Friday, July 6, 2012

Fit Living Friday

This week we spent 4 days in Bend on a mini-vacation.  My parents have a travel trailer, almost older than me, that they refurbished that we stayed in.  It took a couple of days to get a routine down with BW, but once we did he settled in for the stay. 

Yesterday was BW's first time swimming!  He loved it.  We start swimming classes in a couple of weeks and I wanted to make sure that he would like being in a pool before we were in front of an instructor, all the grandparents and many other parents.  Nothing like having your child scream and freak out while you smile meekly and pretend like you're ok with it. 

Onto Fit Friday.....

We're in the midst of a 2 1/2 hour drive back home today so I will be squeezing in a workout when we get back.  I'm still figuring out what I would like to do with the "theme" days.  My thought for Fit For Friday theme is to have it be a double workout day.  One in the morning and one in the evening.  This will help set the tone for the weekend (which is the most likely time for me to forget everything about eating and working out that I know).  I suppose that I will be tweaking as the weeks pass and can put into practice the theories that I'm developing.

Since we are driving today and packing all morning I will do two workouts when we get home.  One running or bike, one strength training.  It's supposed to get into the 80's, that will determine whether I run or bike.  I have an indoor bike...if it's too hot that's where I'll be.  The ST workout will be from Buff Brides.  I bought this book when I was getting married and it helped me get into great shape, so I still refer back to it all the time.  It's all things you can do at home, no gym equipment required.

Monday, July 2, 2012

My First Time

Hello there!  I'm Miranda and this is my blog.  I can't decide what I'm most interested in.  I love reading all blogs.  So, what the hell...this is my _____ blog.  Depending on what I'm working on/ interested in that day will be what my blog is about.  Subjects to be covered: workouts, health, school, personal finance, simple living, parenting...all of it!  

I'm a new mom (I know I'm not the first mom ever), massage therapy student (only 3 classes left!!), struggling work-er out-er and guru of my households finances.  Oh, and I'm in my 30's. Which I think sounds old, but now that I am thirty-something I don't think it's old at all.  70....that's old.  

I try to communicate effectively through my writing, but I am by no means a professional writer.  I did not go to college to be a writer and I have not, nor have I ever claimed to have an all inclusive grasp of the rules of the English language.  Please forgive my, possibly many, misplaced commas, apostrophes, and my love of "..." as a sentence spacer.  I tend to type as I would talk, so there will be many run-on sentences.  Does that cover it all...hmmmm....I guess so for now.  

This week my family is going on our first VACATION since the baby is born.  If you consider staying in a circa 1970's trailer with twin beds and a pack-n-play wedged between a vacation....I do.  Your perspective on things changes a lot once there's a little one involved. I forgot to parents will be in the next trailer over!  Hopefully I can get some "me" time.  It's be nice to have the time to remove the polish from my toes before adding a new coat...ahhhh...vacation.